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The Poppy History

William Barney Houston



The first of the three “Poppy’s” in the Houston family, William also went by the nicknames ‘Shorty” and “Buck”. He worked hard to raise his three son’s Bill, Countis, and Barney on his own. William was born in Arkansas and lived there many years farming and working in logging camps with his three sons. One funny story has the three young boys sneaking into the cook tents at the logging camp to rub lard on their heads because the chiggers were so bad! They later moved to Southeast Missouri. He always enjoyed a good game of checkers, and the checker board in the corner of the dining room is a tribute to him. His grandchildren and later his great grandchildren all called him “Poppy”.

Willie Isaac Houston




Born in Brinkley, Monroe, Arkansas, and named after his father and grandfather, Willie was known by all his family and friends as Bill. He was raised in a time when young boys were expected to go to work as soon as they were old enough to do so.  Therefore, he had almost no education. He could not read nor write. However, he practiced and learned to sign his name so he could register for the United States Army draft. This is a testimony to how important serving his country was to him. He was eventually drafted into the army and proudly served in World War II. His name is currently on the veterans memorials in East Prairie and New Madrid. While working construction in the 60’s Bill worked on a crew that helped build the Gateway Arch in St Louis, MO.  He sadly passed away in 1966, only getting to experience his first grandchild, Gary, who was only three months old when he died. Some believe that if Bill had lived long enough to know his other grandchildren that, he too may have been referred to as “Poppy”

Rickey Gene Houston




Born at Como Ditch/Baterville outside of Lilbourn MO, Rick was the son of Bill and Teddy Houston. He was raised with the same hard work ethic as his father. On June 12th, 1965, he married Sharon Dusky. They had two sons, Gary, and Corey. In the early 70’s Rick came to know Jesus as his Lord and savior and from that point on always made sure to keep his family in church and made sure his two sons grew up in a Christian home. He was an ordained deacon and served as a music minister for many years. Rick genuinely loved the Lord. He also enjoyed going to the local coffee shop in the mornings to have coffee with friends. When his first grandchild, Justin was born, Rick became known by him and all future grandchildren and great grandchildren as “Poppy”.  Rick’s favorite Bible scripture was Joshua 24:15 “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” He is deeply loved and missed by his family today.

Corey William Houston


1970 – Present


Corey was born the second son of Rick and Sharon in 1970 in St Louis, Missouri. The family moved to New Madrid in 1976 when Rick got a job at Noranda Aluminum. Corey was raised in a Christian home and came to know Jesus as Savior himself as a 10-year-old boy in 1980. Things like God, family and tradition are especially important to him. In 2002, he married Gloria Reed Frazier. Together they have three children, Logan (Courtney), Daniel, and Karlie whom they love dearly. The two are the proud, current owners of Poppy’s Coffee House. As previously mentioned, tradition is especially important to Corey, so when the first grandchildren, Paisley and Ava were born, he wanted to make sure the name “Poppy” carried on in the family. Therefore, his grandchildren call him “Poppy”. When deciding upon a name for the coffee house, Corey and Gloria’s daughter, Karlie, thought “Poppy’s” was a great idea and Corey and Gloria totally agreed.


Poppy’s Coffee House is Corey’s vision and a tribute to all “Poppy’s” and future “Poppy’s” in the Houston family. Corey’s favorite scripture verses are Lamentations 3:23 “Great is His faithfulness, His mercies begin afresh each morning” and Philippines 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”.

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